What is a Shapefile

  • A geospatial vector data format.
  • Developed and regulated by Esri as a mostly open specification.
  • First introduced in the early 1990s.
  • It consists of a series of files with the same name stored in the same directory.
    • Unlike a Word document, which is a single file per document.

Shapefile Structure

  • It has three mandatory files:
    • .shp: Shape format, contains the feature geometry.
    • .shx: Shape index format, a positional index of the feature geometry allowing quick seeking.
    • .dbf: Attribute format, contains columnar attributes for each shape, in dBase IV format.

Shapefile Structure

  • Other optional files:
    • .prj: Projection description
      • Although optional, a shapefile without a projection file cannot be displayed correctly in GIS software.
      • You will work with a shapefile without a projection file in assignment 3.
    • .sbn, .sbx, …

Modern Alternatives


  • Uses the .gpkg extension.
  • An open, non-proprietary, platform-independent, and standards-based data format for GIS.
  • Based on SQLite.
  • Can hold multiple vector and raster data layers in a single file.
  • Initially released in 2014.
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