Zehui Yin
First-year PhD Student in Geography at SEES

  • Email: yinz39@mcmaster.ca
    • Please use your McMaster email address.
    • Please put the course code ENVSOCTY 2GI3 in the subject line.
    • Please include your name and student number in the body of the email.
    • I will try to reply within 24 hours (please expect longer delays during weekends/holidays).
  • Personal Website: zehuiyin.github.io
  • Research Interests: Spatial Analysis, Transportation, Travel Behaviour, Public Transit, Shared Mobility

Lab agenda

  • I will provide an overview of each assignment.

  • I will review the essential skills and knowledge needed to complete the assignment.

  • You will work on the assignment during lab time.

  • I will offer hands-on help and answer your questions as you work on your assignment.

  • If you do not finish the assignment during lab time, be prepared to complete it on your own.

  • Please note that attendance will be taken during the lab.

Lab slides

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