Semicircle Problem with Simulation

This project involved simulating a scenario where four ducks were randomly and independently located in a circular pond. The goal was to determine the probability that all four ducks would be located within the same half of the circle.

Zehui Yin


October 15, 2022

If we have four ducks swimming in a circle and their locations are random and independent, what is the probability that all four of the ducks are in the same half of the circle? In this project, I solved this problem through simulation in R. I found that the probability of this to happen is around 50%.

# for reproducibility

We first generate the duck locations

# create a function to genereate random location in a circle
generate_point_in_circle <- function(n, radius){
  output <- data.frame()
  while (nrow(output) < n) {
    iteration <- runif(2, min = -radius, max = radius)
    if (iteration[1]^2 + iteration[2]^2 <= radius^2) {
      output <- rbind(output, iteration)
  colnames(output) <- c("x", "y")

# generate 10000 samples of set of four points
n <- 10000
a <- generate_point_in_circle(n, 1)
b <- generate_point_in_circle(n, 1)
c <- generate_point_in_circle(n, 1)
d <- generate_point_in_circle(n, 1)

par(mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(a[, "x"], a[, "y"], asp=1,
     main = "Locations for point a", xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
plot(b[, "x"], b[, "y"], asp=1,
     main = "Locations for point b", xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
plot(c[, "x"], c[, "y"], asp=1,
     main = "Locations for point c", xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
plot(d[, "x"], d[, "y"], asp=1,
     main = "Locations for point d", xlab = "x", ylab = "y")

Then we check for each set of points whether they fall within the same semicircle or not.

# create variable to record the number of TRUE happens
count_ture <- 0
for (i in 1:n) {
  cond <- 0
  # check whether b, c, d falls within the semicircle created by a and origin (0,0)
  if (b[i,"y"]*a[i,"x"]-b[i,"x"]*a[i,"y"] > 0 &
      c[i,"y"]*a[i,"x"]-c[i,"x"]*a[i,"y"] > 0 &
      d[i,"y"]*a[i,"x"]-d[i,"x"]*a[i,"y"] > 0) {
    cond <- cond + 1
  if (b[i,"y"]*a[i,"x"]-b[i,"x"]*a[i,"y"] < 0 &
      c[i,"y"]*a[i,"x"]-c[i,"x"]*a[i,"y"] < 0 &
      d[i,"y"]*a[i,"x"]-d[i,"x"]*a[i,"y"] < 0) {
    cond <- cond + 1
  # check whether a, c, d falls within the semicircle created by b and origin (0,0)
  if (a[i,"y"]*b[i,"x"]-a[i,"x"]*b[i,"y"] > 0 &
      c[i,"y"]*b[i,"x"]-c[i,"x"]*b[i,"y"] > 0 &
      d[i,"y"]*b[i,"x"]-d[i,"x"]*b[i,"y"] > 0) {
    cond <- cond + 1
  if (a[i,"y"]*b[i,"x"]-a[i,"x"]*b[i,"y"] < 0 &
      c[i,"y"]*b[i,"x"]-c[i,"x"]*b[i,"y"] < 0 &
      d[i,"y"]*b[i,"x"]-d[i,"x"]*b[i,"y"] < 0) {
    cond <- cond + 1
  # check whether a, b, d falls within the semicircle created by c and origin (0,0)
  if (a[i,"y"]*c[i,"x"]-a[i,"x"]*c[i,"y"] > 0 &
      b[i,"y"]*c[i,"x"]-b[i,"x"]*c[i,"y"] > 0 &
      d[i,"y"]*c[i,"x"]-d[i,"x"]*c[i,"y"] > 0) {
    cond <- cond + 1
  if (a[i,"y"]*c[i,"x"]-a[i,"x"]*c[i,"y"] < 0 &
      b[i,"y"]*c[i,"x"]-b[i,"x"]*c[i,"y"] < 0 &
      d[i,"y"]*c[i,"x"]-d[i,"x"]*c[i,"y"] < 0) {
    cond <- cond + 1
  # check whether a, b, c falls within the semicircle created by d and origin (0,0)
  if (a[i,"y"]*d[i,"x"]-a[i,"x"]*d[i,"y"] > 0 &
      b[i,"y"]*d[i,"x"]-b[i,"x"]*d[i,"y"] > 0 &
      c[i,"y"]*d[i,"x"]-c[i,"x"]*d[i,"y"] > 0) {
    cond <- cond + 1
  if (a[i,"y"]*d[i,"x"]-a[i,"x"]*d[i,"y"] < 0 &
      b[i,"y"]*d[i,"x"]-b[i,"x"]*d[i,"y"] < 0 &
      c[i,"y"]*d[i,"x"]-c[i,"x"]*d[i,"y"] < 0) {
    cond <- cond + 1
  # if any of the 4 conditions is met, then the four points are in the same semicircle
  if (cond >= 1) {
    count_ture <- count_ture + 1

# calculate the proportion
cat("Proportion of four ducks fall within the same semicircle \nwith", n,
    "simulations equals =", count_ture*100/n, "%")
Proportion of four ducks fall within the same semicircle 
with 10000 simulations equals = 50.82 %

Based on the simulation we can see that the proportion is 50.82% when we have a large sample size. Then I want to see the changing trend in the average proportion with iteration increases. I first create a function to replicate the process above.

ducks_simulation <- function(n) {
  a <- generate_point_in_circle(n, 1)
  b <- generate_point_in_circle(n, 1)
  c <- generate_point_in_circle(n, 1)
  d <- generate_point_in_circle(n, 1)
  count_ture <- 0
  for (i in 1:n) {
    cond <- 0
    # check whether b, c, d falls within the semicircle created by a and origin (0,0)
    if (b[i,"y"]*a[i,"x"]-b[i,"x"]*a[i,"y"] > 0 &
        c[i,"y"]*a[i,"x"]-c[i,"x"]*a[i,"y"] > 0 &
        d[i,"y"]*a[i,"x"]-d[i,"x"]*a[i,"y"] > 0) {
      cond <- cond + 1
    if (b[i,"y"]*a[i,"x"]-b[i,"x"]*a[i,"y"] < 0 &
        c[i,"y"]*a[i,"x"]-c[i,"x"]*a[i,"y"] < 0 &
        d[i,"y"]*a[i,"x"]-d[i,"x"]*a[i,"y"] < 0) {
      cond <- cond + 1
    # check whether a, c, d falls within the semicircle created by b and origin (0,0)
    if (a[i,"y"]*b[i,"x"]-a[i,"x"]*b[i,"y"] > 0 &
        c[i,"y"]*b[i,"x"]-c[i,"x"]*b[i,"y"] > 0 &
        d[i,"y"]*b[i,"x"]-d[i,"x"]*b[i,"y"] > 0) {
      cond <- cond + 1
    if (a[i,"y"]*b[i,"x"]-a[i,"x"]*b[i,"y"] < 0 &
        c[i,"y"]*b[i,"x"]-c[i,"x"]*b[i,"y"] < 0 &
        d[i,"y"]*b[i,"x"]-d[i,"x"]*b[i,"y"] < 0) {
      cond <- cond + 1
    # check whether a, b, d falls within the semicircle created by c and origin (0,0)
    if (a[i,"y"]*c[i,"x"]-a[i,"x"]*c[i,"y"] > 0 &
        b[i,"y"]*c[i,"x"]-b[i,"x"]*c[i,"y"] > 0 &
        d[i,"y"]*c[i,"x"]-d[i,"x"]*c[i,"y"] > 0) {
      cond <- cond + 1
    if (a[i,"y"]*c[i,"x"]-a[i,"x"]*c[i,"y"] < 0 &
        b[i,"y"]*c[i,"x"]-b[i,"x"]*c[i,"y"] < 0 &
        d[i,"y"]*c[i,"x"]-d[i,"x"]*c[i,"y"] < 0) {
      cond <- cond + 1
    # check whether a, b, c falls within the semicircle created by d and origin (0,0)
    if (a[i,"y"]*d[i,"x"]-a[i,"x"]*d[i,"y"] > 0 &
        b[i,"y"]*d[i,"x"]-b[i,"x"]*d[i,"y"] > 0 &
        c[i,"y"]*d[i,"x"]-c[i,"x"]*d[i,"y"] > 0) {
      cond <- cond + 1
    if (a[i,"y"]*d[i,"x"]-a[i,"x"]*d[i,"y"] < 0 &
        b[i,"y"]*d[i,"x"]-b[i,"x"]*d[i,"y"] < 0 &
        c[i,"y"]*d[i,"x"]-c[i,"x"]*d[i,"y"] < 0) {
      cond <- cond + 1
    # if any of the 4 conditions is met, then the four points are in the same semicircle
    if (cond >= 1) {
      count_ture <- count_ture + 1

Use parallel package to do parallel computing with the function. Like above, still simulate for 10000 times.

simulation_output <- mclapply(rep(1, 10000), ducks_simulation)
simulation_output <- unlist(simulation_output)

Visualize the average proportion trend with the increase of simulation times.

pop_vis <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 10000, ncol = 2))
colnames(pop_vis) <- c("first_n_iteration", "average proportion")

for (i in 1:10000) {
  pop_vis[i,] <- c(i, mean(simulation_output[1:i]))

plot(pop_vis[, "first_n_iteration"], pop_vis[, "average proportion"], 
     main = "Average proportion of four ducks are in the same semicircle",
     xlab = "Number of iteration", ylab = "Average proportion", type = "l",
     xlim = c(0, 10000), 
     ylim = c(min(pop_vis[, "average proportion"]), max(pop_vis[, "average proportion"])))
abline(h = 50, col="lightblue")

The average proportion seems to quickly converge to 50%.

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