About Me

Portrait of Zehui Yin

I am a Geography PhD student and research assistant at TransLAB (Transportation Research Lab) within the School of Earth, Environment & Society at McMaster University, working under the guidance of Dr. Darren Scott. My current research focuses on utilizing data and quantitative methods to study public transit and shared micromobility, including bike share and shared e-scooters, in North America, with a particular emphasis on Hamilton, Ontario.

I obtained an Honours Bachelor of Arts (HBA) Degree from the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) in 2024, majoring in Economics for Management Studies, with minors in Geographic Information Science (GIS) and Applied Statistics, and a certificate in Computational Social Science. My works have twice been funded by the University of Toronto Excellence Award. Additionally, I received the Governor General’s Silver Medal for achieving the highest academic standing among all HBA graduates at the University of Toronto in 2024. Before joining McMaster University, I was a research assistant in the Suburban Mobilities Cluster in the Department of Human Geography at UTSC. From 2022 to 2024, I participated in several projects under the supervision of Dr. Steven Farber, Dr. Andre Cire, and Dr. Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken, conducting survey and network data analysis to explore transportation accessibility, equity, and justice in suburban areas, particularly in Scarborough, Ontario.

My interests in spatial analysis and econometrics have inspired me to delve into examining the spatial patterns of social issues, with a particular focus on using GIS and statistical tools to visualize and analyze these patterns. With my extensive experience in R programming and proficiency in a variety of GIS software, such as ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online, I am well-equipped to tackle complex spatial and social problems from a quantitative approach.

Moreover, as a passionate transit enthusiast, I find myself constantly drawn to the topic of public transit and transportation. I enjoy riding buses and trains, and this interest has motivated me to explore ways of enhancing the accessibility and efficiency of public transit. I am eager to utilize my interdisciplinary background to further investigate public transit and transportation issues through data-driven methods, with the aim of finding solutions to improve their functionality and identify service gaps to better serve the vulnerable population in society.

Areas of Interest

Spatial Analysis


Machine Learning

Transportation Planning

Public Transit & Shared Micromobility

Cartography & Data Visualization

Get in Touch



TransLAB (Transportation Research Lab), Burke Science Building (BSB), Room 308, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada